Selling Mistakes Everyone Makes

If you have started the process of selling your home, you probably have a growing to-do list.  Are you feeling overwhelmed?  The last thing you need is to make a preventable mistake that can get in the way of selling your home quickly and for market value.  We will go over common mistakes home sellers make that you can avoid. 

The Price

We get it – pricing your home is a difficult process.  It may even feel personal.  Despite all of this, it is crucial your home is listed in an appropriate margin.  Asking too little for your home means, well, just that.  Though your listing may be snatched quickly, you will be getting less money for your home than you could.  However, asking too much for your property comes with its own issues.  Not only does it usually take much longer for the listing to be taken, more often than not, the property sells for less than its value. 

The Showcase

We were all taught not to judge a book by its cover.  However, in real estate, that rule is out the window.  Whether we like it or not, potential buyers will judge your home based on its appearance.  Taking the extra time to get your listing “dolled up” will absolutely be worth it.  It will be the difference between potential buyers seeing themselves in your home or not. 

The Realtor

If there is one take away we want you to have it is this: invest in a good realtor.  A realtor understands the community, the state of the market, the listing, and the rates of comparable homes.  They also know what questions to ask to determine your priorities.  Prioritize finding a realtor who can help you determine the accurate value for your home. 

The Market

Are there more buyers than sellers?  More sellers than buyers?  Is the market balanced?  This will help you know what to realistically expect in terms of price and sell time of your listing. 

The Silver Lining

If the market is not in your favor right now, it may feel like everything is hopeless.  Perhaps you are having to substantially drop your asking price.  Just remember: if the market is bad for one, it is bad for all.  The silver-lining?  The person selling your next home will also ask for less.  This means you save on your next property. 

The Potential Buyers

There are two types of people in the real estate world: those who are “just looking” and those who are “buying.”  Perhaps you have already had your first showing, and you met an incredible couple who seemed interested in the listing.  After a few days and a couple back and forths, you discover they are “just looking.”  It is important for you to sift out those who are trying to get their feet wet in the market and those who are ready to commit.  It will save you time and energy in the long run. 

The Other Realtor

Just as you want to sell your home for as much as possible, someone wants to buy it for as little as possible.  It is just the way the real estate game works.  And just as you have your realtor you trust, the buyer probably has a realtor they trust, too.  Be cautious of the relationships between realtors.  You want to keep your best interest in mind. 

Marketing Efficiency

If you need another reason to invest in a good realtor, the showcasing of your home is a big one.  A good realtor will know how to market a home to draw more buyers and more competitive offers.