Market Analysis

An important item to consider when you’re ready to buy or sell a house in Twin Falls is a comparative market analysis (CMA).  It is a systematic approach to evaluating the price of similar homes that are recently sold in the same area you are wanting to buy or sell a home.  The purpose of the CMA is to establish an appropriate price range for the home that is to be bought or sold.  Things to be considered are the location, size, age, and features of the property.  The CMA can be established by the buyer, seller, or real estate agent.  

As was mentioned earlier, a comparative market analysis is a systematic way of determining the range of a value of a home.  Below are some important points to take into consideration when you’re ready to buy or sell a house in the Twin Falls area.

The Criteria:

  1. Establish a list of important features of the home.
  2. Determine the unique qualities of the features compared to other homes nearby. 
  3. Make sure the unique features are adjusted based on the size, condition, and location of the home.

Home Analysis

Complete the form below as accurately as you are able. An agent will contact you shortly to provide you with a no obligation real estate market analysis specific to your home.